Friday, April 8, 2011

More on indicators and benchmarks

Một số tài liệu khác về indicators và benchmarks:

1. - Tài liệu của EC năm 2007, 15 trang. Đáng chú là danh mục 29 chỉ số nhằm đánh giá và giám sát giáo dục đại học, được nêu dưới đây:


(The indicators for measuring the 5 education benchmarks are in bold)
1. Age of teachers (% of teachers aged over 50 by primary, secondary)
2. Number of young people
3. Ratio of pupils to teaching staff
4. Completion of upper secondary education
5. % of students with low reading literacy proficiency (PISA)

6. Performance in reading of 15 year olds (PISA)
7. Performance in mathematics of 15 year olds (PISA)
8. Performance in science of 15 year olds (PISA)
9. Participation in education and training of initially low qualified people
10. Students enrolled in MST as a proportion of all students
11. Graduates in MST as a % of all graduates
12. Total number of tertiary MST graduates (growth)
13. Number of graduates in MST per 1000 inhabitants
14. Public expenditure on education
15. Private expenditure on educational institutions
16. Enterprise expenditure on continuing vocational training
17. Total expenditure on educational institutions per pupil, in PPS
18. Total expenditure on educational institutions per pupil, compared to GDP
19. Participation in lifelong learning, population 25-64, all, low
20. Participation in continuing vocational training, all enterprises
21. Participation in continuing vocational training, training enterprises
22. Participation rates in education, students aged 15-24
EN 15 EN
23. Share of early school leavers in population 18-24
24. Distribution of pupils by number of foreign languages learned
25. Average number of foreign languages learned per pupil
26. Inward/outward mobility of teachers and trainers, Erasmus+ Leonardo
27. Inward/outward mobility of Erasmus students and Leonardo trainees
28. Foreign tertiary students as a % of all students enrolled, by nationality
29. Percentage of the students of the country of origin enrolled abroad
Danh mục này sau đó đã được sửa lại còn 20 chỉ số, được đăng trong phụ lục 4 của tài liệu UNESCO, xin đăng lại ở đây:

20 core indicators for monitoring progress towards the Lisbon objectives in education
and training (European Union)*
1) Participation in pre-school education
2) Special needs education
3) Early school leavers
4) Literacy in reading, mathematics and science
5) Language skills
6) ICT skills
7) Civic skills
8) Learning to learn skills
9) Upper secondary completion rates of young people
10) School management
11) Schools as multi-purpose local learning centres
12) Professional development of teachers and trainers
13) Stratifi cation of education and training systems
14) Higher education graduates
15) Cross-national mobility of students in higher education
16) Participation of adults in lifelong learning
17) Adults’ skills
18) Educational attainment of the population
19) Investment in education and training
20) Returns to education and training

Some of these indicators – for example, civic skills, language skills, and professional development of teachers and trainers – have not yet been clearly defi ned in terms of concrete objectives. The above list can therefore be considered an intermediate stage before the precise defi nition of objectives. When this work has been completed, these 20 core indicators are to replace the 29 indicators from 2004.


Đây là link dẫn đến một cuốn sách có thể tải miễn phí, viết về indicator system in HE. Tiếng Anh, tất nhiên.


Tương tự như trên.


Một bài viết hàn lâm ngắn, báo cáo kết quả xây dựng hệ thống chỉ số để đánh giá chất lượng giáo dục ở Đài Loan. Rất tốt, rất liên quan đến công việc mà TT tôi đang phải làm. Sẽ viết entry mới để giới thiệu bài viết này.

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